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2018年恐怖片电影《云端》讲述Nora Arnezeder (Safe House), Gabriel Byrne (In Treatment), Justin Chatwin (Shameless), Tomiwa Edun (The Hour) and Laura Fraser (Breaking Bad) have been cast in Crackle’s upcoming sci-thriller In the Cloud., from Imperative Entertainment and Automatik. Production is underway in London and Manchester, England, on the 90-minute feature expected to release in December on the streaming network.In the Cloud takes place in the near future after dozens of people are killed in attacks by a serial terrorist bomber. It focuses on two estranged tech geniuses who come together to create a cutting-edge technology to thwart future attacks, but in the race to do so they inadvertently create an AI so powerful it might change the very meaning of life and death for the future of humanity.Byrne plays Doc Wolff, an old-school New York City transplant and the brilliant mind behind the most advanced privately funded neuroscience research lab in the United Kingdom. Chatwin portrays Hale, a neuroscientist and a brash anarchist pragmatist. Edun plays Theo Jones, a brooding genius with a checkered past. Arnezeder is Z, a hardware tech guru and Hale’s girlfriend. Fraser is Ms. Mary, a grant representative for the Exer Foundation, which funds Doc Wolff’s lab.由诺拉·阿娜泽德尔,加布里埃尔·伯恩,贾斯汀·查特文,托米瓦·埃敦等主演。

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